Blog Popularity Statistics

How To Measure Your Blog’s Growth Without Any Tool?

There are millions of blogs on the world wide web and people think that they are not hitting enough to reach on the top. They forget to check blog popularity statistics because they only concentrate on others blog. If you are running a blog then think about the growth of your own blog, others won’t affect your popularity.

There are many tools like Google Analytics which can help you to measure your organic growth. But what about your social reputation and the trust you build in your business? Can you check that with any tool?

Well, there is no tool which can show the statistics of your online reputation. You can analyze your blog through your readers and their actions. In this post, I am going to let you know a few signals to check.

You Can Check The Blog Popularity Statistics Through These Things.

Are you thinking about something which can drive traffic to your blog or the SEO tips which can help you to grow your blog? There is no shortcut to the success. You have to work hard and you can see the results through your readers. Let me show you some points to analyze:-

1. Are Your Readers Coming Backup To Your Blog?

Your readers should be your first priority and try to analyze their visit on your blog. If you get more returning visitors with whom you have made human bonds then your blog is growing. There are many things which can help you to improve the user experience.

The website performance has the major influence. You should try to improve the website speed by using some ways. I have recently written a post about increasing the website’s speed.

2. Are You Getting Enough Comments?

The no. of comments show the blog growth. Though, there are many blogs which aren’t dependent on the comments but still, if you have successfully build your relationship in the blogosphere then you can come to know about the growth through the no. of comments on your blog posts.

Whenever your readers comment on your blog then make sure that you return the favor by reciprocating. It would get you more comments. People appreciate the kind gesture and you can analyze the blog popularity statistics through comments.

3. Are You Getting Enough Social Shares?

In this modern era of social media, you should know the effective ways to use social media to get more readers. Are you getting enough social shares? Check the growth of your blog through your social networking shares. If you’re active on the Twitter then notice the no. of tweets you get.

It would let you know whether you are going to the right direction or wrong. People who know the importance of sharing would share your content if it’s worthy.

4. Are Your Links Increasing?

Are you working hard enough to get noticed on the internet? Check your blog’s growth through the links you have gotten. Building the human bonds has the major impact on the growth of your blog. If you have become successful in interacting with other bloggers and your relationships are quite good then you would see the growth through their response on your blog.

Check whether your fellow readers are contributing on your blog or not. You would sense the aroma of the popularity through your human links.

5. Are People Asking For Guest Posts?

If other fellow bloggers are asking to write the guest post on your blog then it means your blog is growing. You would experience in a few months after starting your blog. If you are working hard and curious about getting an answer of the question “how to measure your blog’s growth” then look in your email inbox.

People will be asking to write the guest posts on your blog. It means they want to present themselves on a popular blog like yours.

6. Are People Asking Questions About Your Success?

If you are getting the emails to ask for your advice on the SEO, blogging tips for a pro blogger roundup post then your blog is growing. Are people asking you to feature them on your blog? It means that they want to use your blog’s popularity. It shows the direct indication of blog growth.

Are people asking for your interviews? If they are, then you have become a successful blogger in this online world of the internet.

7. Are You Thinking About Your Readers Growth?

This is something with which you can analyze your blog and yourselves. When you start thinking about your readers then it shows the real growth in you. The real thoughts of a professional blogger. If you try to solve the problem of your readers and provide the best content then you are growing.

If you are deceiving your readers by proving the poor quality content and face the Google penalty then you are not growing. Think about your readers and feel like a boss.

Have You Noticed Your Blog Popularity Statistics Through Theses Aspects?

You may be thinking how is it possible to analyze your blog without any tool. Let me ask you a question, what would you do it you won’t have any analytics tool for your blog? How to measure your blog’s growth in such situation? The answer is simple, you have to look upon your readers and the interaction.

If you are getting more no. of social shares and the comments then your blog is growing. People are showing their presence on your blog then your blog is growing. All these aspects may help you to measure the blog popularity statistics.

If you liked the article, connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Everything you’ve mentioned here is important.

    While there are tools available to view your stats, what you’ve highlighted are quality – and relationships.

    Comments are huge. They can be time-consuming, especially if you don’t rush through them and leave short and generic sounding feedback. But this is what builds those relationships with people and naturally leads to sharing and guest posting opportunities.

    It’s an organic way to go about it. An art that gets lost in the popularity contest.

    So it’s cool that you’ve discussed all of this here.

    Great insights Ravi. Sharing ?

    1. Hey Dana,

      There may be many analytical tools but there is not a tool which can measure the human bonds between the bloggers. People are out there with the hope to see some positive stats from the Google Analytics.

      I agree with you that it would open the doors for the guest posting. Bloggers should try to build the natural bonds instead of wasting their time on the SEO tricks.

      Glad that you liked the article.

      Thanks for being here.

      Have an amazing day.


  2. Hi there Ravi,

    Truth to be spoken, this is the best blog that I have read this month so far.

    I think that the job was done watching Google Analytics for my site, but as this post shows there are more a lot of things that I need to take care.

    Keep up the good work, waiting for more.

    Regards, Clay

    1. Hey Clay,

      I am glad to know that you liked the article.

      You can see the stats of your website from the Google Analytics but you can’t measure the engagement of your readers through any analytical tool. You have to look upon then through their interaction, no. of comments, shares.

      Thanks for taking time to share.

      Enjoy your day.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    You’ve made some valid points here. Let truth be told that if your relations are strong with your visitors then that’s a great indicator that your blog is growing.

    One blogger from a couple of years ago come to mind. Adrienne Smith was a well like blogger who built truth and strong rapport with her visitors.

    With that said her blog grew a lot just from all the relationships she built. She was hailed as the relationship queen and her blog comments was proof of this.

    Great post! This was a different perception of blog growth!

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